Adding WooCommerce plugin to the theme

You cannot just install the Woocommerce plugin only. If you’re using Genesis Child theme, you must also install “Genesis connect for Woocommerce” or your products will not appear correctly.
This is a guide to install a Shop page like in my demo page. You must have a basic understanding of how this plugin works. I cannot help with payment setup, taxes, shipping, or technical things related to this plugin because I do not make this plugin. You can go to the WooCommerce website directly and ask help there.  This tutorial only helps you to set up the design of the shop not the functionality of the plugin. Thank you for understanding

If you want to set up a new shop for your website, you must install all WooCommerce Plugins that my theme recommends and activate them.

After you activate the plugins, check if you have the “Shop” pages installed or not.

Go to Pages > All Pages to check. If you have all these pages automatically: Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Shop you’ve successfully installed WooCommerce and ready to continue to the next step (add shop menu to the menu bar). But if you cannot see these pages, go to this step below:

Troubleshoot: My Shop pages are not complete

If you don’t have Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Shop in your Pages, go to WooCommerce > Status> go to Tools tab > find “Create default WooCommerce pages” and click the button “Create Pages”. It will automatically create the missing pages.

Go back to Pages > All Pages again to check.

Change Product Image Size and other settings

Go to Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce.

To change your thumbnail size / resolution, go to Product Images

Main image width = 600 (you can decide the size yourself)
Thumbnail Width = 600 (you can decide the size yourself)
Thumbnail Cropping = 1:1 (if you want square thumbnail) or custom (specific ratio, ie : 4:3 for landscape or 5:7 for portrait).

Change Products per Row

Go to Appearance > Customize > Product Archives

Product Columns = 3 (you can decide yourself)
Products per page = 9 (you can decide yourself)

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