Genesis theme – Change font size

Do you want to adjust the font size for specific elements in your theme? Below are examples of CSS code for different areas. You can modify the pixel value (e.g., 18px) to fit your needs.

Adding Custom CSS to Your Theme

  1. Choose a code snippet from the list below.
  2. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
  3. Paste the code into the provided box and click Publish.

More info about adding additional css here.

Navigation Menu
.genesis-nav-menu a, .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a {font-size: 14px;}
Post Title
.entry-title {font-size: 42px;}
Post Meta (Category above title, Date)
p.entry-meta, .entry-categories {font-size: 14px;}
Body Text / Post content
body, .prevnext-post {font-size: 16px;}
Sidebar / Widgets
.about-title, .widget-title, .sidebar, .footer-widgets {font-size: 16px;}
.entry-content p a.autoreadmore, .more-link, .widget_categories li a, .archive-pagination li a, .pagination-next a, .pagination-previous a, .comment-respond input[type="submit"] {font-size: 14px;}
Forms (Input)
label, .search-form input[type="search"], input, select, textarea, .enews-widget input, #respond textarea {font-size: 16px;}
List items (Bulleted and Numbered Lists)
.entry-content li {font-size: 16px;}
h1 {font-size: 40px;}

h2 {font-size: 34px;}

h3 {font-size: 30px;}

h4 {font-size: 28px;}

h5 {font-size: 24px;}

h6 {font-size: 18px;}
.entry-content blockquote, .entry-content blockquote p {font-size: 18px;}