How to add a new user in a WordPress blog

Add a new user for self-hosted WordPress

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard
  2. On the left panel of your Dashboard, Click on “Users” (mouse hover on this menu link to make the dropdown menu show up) > Add New.
  3. Or, if it’s not possible to mouse hover, you can click “Users” and it will direct you to a new page, click “Add new” button on top of the page.
  4. Fill out the form and set the role to Administrator (Must be Administrator level to be able to access Theme area).
    Don’t forget to check ‘Send User Notification’ so I will get the notification.
  5. Click Add new user at the bottom of the page.

How to delete the user from your Admin

If you need to delete a user from your blog, go to Users > All Users.

Hover on the user that you want to delete, click Delete on that user.

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