Installing Kadence Child Theme

Important Notice

By installing my child theme design, you will receive the template design & also the demo content like in my demo preview. Your current content / current blog posts will not be removed. BUT! If you have installed a Kadence theme before, when the “import content” page appears (step #6 below), make sure to uncheck “Check this box to confirm you wish to remove your existing site’s content & images.” Otherwise it will remove your previous Kadence page and post from the previous theme. (Contact me if you’re unsure).

After you download the theme content from Starter Template, my demo pages (the images and text used in the template pages) will appear, it’s your part to edit those pages and replace the all images and text with your own.

Read this page if you already have existing content.

How to install my theme

  1. Install Kadence theme.
    Go to Appearance – Themes – Add New – search “Kadence” – click Install, do not activate yet.
  2. Go back to the themes page again = Appearance – Themes – find the “Add new” button – Select the theme file you purchased from my shop (example: – click “Upload” – Activate the theme. Installing this won’t make the design appear instantly. You have to download the content templates from the Kadence Starter Template plugin (next step).
  3. Install Kadence Starter Template plugin (AI Powered Starter Templates by Kadence WP).
    Go to Plugins – Add New – search “Kadence” again – choose “AI Powered Starter Templates by Kadence WP” – Install and activate.
  4. After activating the plugin, go to Kadence – Starter Templates (Sometimes it’s also located in : Appearance – Kadence – “Starter Templates”) from your left menu list.
  5. Select the “SkyandStars” icon to download page templates + demo content :

    After that, click the design image preview :

    Preview theme image above is an example, the preview thumbnail will be different for each theme.
  6. After you click the template preview image, click the button to finalize the import. It will take a while to import everything.
    Notes: By clicking import, all the template pages that I made will be transferred to your website. The template pages will show my demo content, you will need to replace the images and text with your own content. Read this page to understand how it works if you already have existing content.
  7. After it’s done, go to check the website front page and start editing the pages.

Additional information to customize Kadence can be found under this article : Kadence General Tutorial.

If you need help, do not hesitate to contact me from the contact form or Etsy Direct Message if you purchase from Etsy. My timezone is UTC+7 (check my local time here).

  1. Inform me with the live blog url so I can see the progress.
  2. Inform me of the error message and screenshots.